What do you do to get peace to grieve?
My dad has past away, three months after my mother.
It feels hard and empty. I miss them both soooo much.
But days go by and I'm working in the garden ..... walking and spend time in the studio.
My thoughts go in various directions.... and I think that it feels good
to work with my hands.
It must have been two weeks since I started to plan a continuation
of the quilt with chairs .... it needed something to make the design more exciting.
But I got stuck!
For some reason...don't know why...but today an idea popped up!
I began to test my idea with colored pencils on paper ... tried different shapes, colors and color combinations until I was happy.
I made stamps and printed carpets in modern style and colors.....
It made a big difference and increased the quilt expression.
The process continues and I hope I can find peace to sew tomorrow too ..... we'll see?
Happy Quilting!