It's so much fun and exciting that makes life rich
and so full of joy.
It has been a lovely time lately with hiking and an exciting project that requires a lot of training ahead of me.
I tell you....
First some glimpse from my time in the mountains.
My daughter with boyfriend and I walked three days in the mountains and we experienced both the storm and bright sunshine. Reindeer, glorious waterfalls and amazing views...mmm lovely
The next trip went to the Norwegian and Swedish mountains where I and my husband walked with friends.
Fantastic hiking .... including a boat trip .... bear tracks and a dip in a mountain lake.
But how was it with the challenge ....??????
Well ... at the beginning of October I, my daughter with boyfriend and my three siblings go to Nepal to hike in the Himalayas. A journey of 20 days and our goal is the Mount Everest base camp 1.
A great challenge and sooooo exciting. So then you can understand why a lot of time goes into training and preparation.
One preparation is to knit......
We need warm hats.
I've knitted three hats in alpaca wool and tassels made of lamb skin.
Warm and cuddly!
One for each of the girls in the group .... a gray to Nettan, light blue to Sofie and a yellow to myself.
Now we have at least ..... cute hats!
I have actually worked a little in the studio too with my project Curvy ladies, all blocks are finished.
You'll see in my next post!
Until then..
Happy Quilting!