It's been a while....and there hasn't been any time in my studio the last two weeks.
All of you who makes stunning quilts
one after do you find the time?
I find the spring quite stressful......but WONDERFUL at the same time!
Dirty windows, dust,washing winter clothes :(
planting, birthdays, running, flowers, birds singing :)... and..... I closed my eyes....didn't see all unfinished work...!
I started up sewing my Kaffe Fasset quilt together......feels good!
It looks like a color makes me smiling!
Colors do that to people! plants makes me smile too!
My plants are growing and thrivingin in the heat and light in the conservatory.
All I want to do.....?
New plans?.......Yes, I would like to make a stitchery....but what?
Any suggestions?
Love Margreth