Saturday, May 28, 2016

A finished quilt!

Hi there! quilt with coltsfoot is finished! It did take a while but what's the hurry? 

Big, important things happen!

Since my last post I've become a grandmother again. A little boy called Aksel.

 Who has the time to sew then?

....but a small quilt to Aksel is in my mind! is the quilt inspired during this lovely spring.

It started with a simple sketch and my  longing for spring.

And then.....

A quilt that breathe a freshness with cool blue background 
and the wonderful warm coltsfoot of my favorite flowers!

The quilt measure 28x28 inches and is quilted on mashine.

I've embroidered circles to get an movement and an expressive background. extreme close-up!

The back is pretty exciting too!

Well...I hope you don't have to wait so long for my next blog post ... 
I have ideas and soon the school holidays are here.

 It's hopeful!

See you soon!


  1. What a pretty, happy 'springy' quilt! Grattis to little Aksel!!! Fun!

  2. Margreth, you are my favourite quilter! This is again amazing art quilt! I love everything in this gorgeus quilt; colours, shapes, quilting, circles and the green threads! Thank you for inspiration! Congratulations to you new grandchild! x Teje

  3. Beautiful! I love that contrast with the very pale blue behind the yellows and oranges. Love the quilting, too. Great job!

    1. I'm glad you like my quilt. I had a great time making it.

  4. Congratulations on your new grandson! This quilt will bring him happiness all his life.

    1. Thanks! My grandchildren are sunshine in my life.

  5. Grattis till ASKEL.Hur skall tiden räcka? Hoppa över det tråkiga!
    Quilten blev fantastisk. Baksidan ser också fantastisk ut.
    Louise D

    1. Tack Louise! Så sant..jag försöker att ägna så mycket tid som möjligt till det som gör livet glatt!!

  6. I just MUST tell you how much I admire your work. I love this quilt - it is soooo beautiful! I already loved your blue leaves quilt but this one is simply perfect! Best wishes from Germany
