Sunday, November 7, 2010

A great week!

There has been a great week.....I enjoyed every minute of it. We went to Uppsala to visit our children who all showed up at our daughter Elins place. We hadn't met all together since june!!!! JUNE!.... Well we had a lovely time together. YOU ARE THE SUNSHINE OF OUR LIFE!

THEN.....sewing....exercising......reading.....and all that makes life feel gooooooood!

I started this one over a year ago...after an invitation to an exhibition at Rööhska designmuseum in Göteborg. ideas took over and this the pile of UFOs.

I used filmstars and a calander from year of birth.... transfering pictures to fabric.

I thougt about a houswife loosing herself dreaming about filmstars... a glamouros life...far from cleaning and cooking. Filmstars all over the table!

                                                                    SOME DETAILS!
                     I wanted the book and filmstars to pop out from the design...did I manage?

There is more hard work going on in the studio....UFOs......WISPs.....
¨ LET'S DANCE¨ is progressing.....embrodering makes the finishing touch!..... I hope!?
I always feel that the last leg of the quilt is the hardest part to do!

                                                                                                                              See you! // Margreth


  1. Vad snygg bloggen har blivit, jättekul att se hur den utvecklas =) Jag är hemma tidigt idag, har tagit friskvårdstimme för att springa, trots att det är minusgrader idag! Ha det gott

  2. Just wonderful work Margreth!!!! Love it... You have an eye for all this!!!
    Good luck on your WISPS...:O)

  3. Oh, vad fin den blev nya designen på bloggen! gillar fägerna. A housewife's dream diggar jag med, särskilt filmisen på James Dean. ;) O jag håller med, helgen var ypperlig. Vi ses snart igen allihopa, vid jul. =) kram
