Sunday, January 16, 2011

Keep on!

This lovely day was last weekend. A perfekt day for skiing. Cold,sunny and no wind.
This weekend is the opposit, clowdy,windy and rather mild weather. A typical day for quilting!
That's good too!

I prepard by a visit to Mariannes quiltbod, I run out fabrics....... mostly fabrics appropiate as backgroud.
Of course I found some other fabrics that I couldn't resist.....nice to have in the piles.
Have it ever happend to you? =)

Well...after a chatt online with my daughter in India...I began to sew.
Puuuh.....My studio is a mess...fabrics  and threads all over the place. Maybe a creative kaos. =)

Now there are fifthteen blocks with baskets finished. There are a lot of coltsfoot missing so I just have to KEEP ON!

I wonder if I'm going to make some other blocks between the baskets? Hmmmmm...that is worth considering...or? What do you think?

I let it rest for a while.......                        MARGRETH


  1. These baskets are so pretty. Is coltsfoot the name of the flower?

  2. Ljuvliga korgar och man fylls av en underbar föraning av vår.
    Idag ser man gräsmattorna på vår ö. Det gör gott:-))

  3. Den här kvilten ska bli intressant att följa till slutet. Du har så fina idéer...:)
